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《薇罗妮卡决定去死》解说文案_Awareness of LIFE

时间:2024-10-27 08:00:10 上传:蹲在墙头等葒杏 字数:2916 字




保洛·柯尔霍 莱瑞·格罗斯 编剧









She jumped into the sea and finally surrounding with the pure blue under the sea in Veronica’s imagination, like its all finished, giving up struggling to the hope. It seems its going to devour her to escape from her so called the real madness world. But all the meds she did overdose are kind of saving her life. When do you begin to account your days?Do you have a few of them or plenty?She doesn’t know, who knows.But when people trying to shed their weakness and saplessness as they apparently show, everything is different; they know they will be safe in their heart to their own life to the final existence. Diving into the sea with themselves; Holding hands with themselves; Sharing life with themselves. Life is too short to be little.How can people waste it just because can’t keep it even keel for a moment or ignore it just because its somewhere isn’t right at your hand? How can people appease the rage, the intranquil sentiments, the regrets…?It doesn’t work by reaping the loneliness you've own sown, digging the blackness from your own mind. In these fields you may have always grown, but you’ve dead all alone for years then, like a torment."Green is not the new black…”Why is everyone so afraid to look at things as they really are? Slogans like these have succeeded in distracting all the things that really matter. There’s no other escape.So, she, Veronica Deklave, decide to die. It’s the story.Reality is what the majority deem it to be. Not necessarily the best, or the most logical but the one that has become adapted to the desirers of society as a whole. Some things are governed by common sense, and others become fixed until more and more people believe that’s the way it should be. Like the QWERTY keyboard. Dr. Blake who said this is the answer to her suicide.Awaken people to the fact that all of us are to one degree or another insane. But don’t confuse insanity with the loss of control. Do choice to let you only be yourself the one you know who never forgotten all of the dreams, cause everyone in this world are posting pathological and dehumanizing values on our society unconsciously. So don’t ever let yourself join them. Dropping those tedious notion of right and wrong is just in your action.At the end of confession of Dr. Blake, it all clear- its all about the awareness of Veronica’s life which he believed the only remedy he have come to have any faith in. I really moved about the words he told afterward: Until she(Veronica) finds out from some doctor that she’s perfectly healthy, she’ll consider each day a miracle, which, in my view, it is.Some people go their whole lives, searching for one moment like a miracle, but he has already in that in a way. When the moment he wakes up.





